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Help! I've lost my pet

Reuniting lost pets with their families is important to us. If you’ve lost a pet, view our lost animals, contact or visit us.

Find my pet

I'd like to adopt a pet!

In the past year, we’ve given more than 2,200 animals a second chance through our adoption program.

About Adoption

Providing the best outcomes for all animals in our care through life-saving programs

Community Vet Clinic

Our team of highly skilled vets and nurses are passionate about providing affordable, quality animal care for Geelong and our neighbours.

Find out more

Volunteer with GAWS

Volunteering is a great way to meet people who share your passion for animal welfare, while learning new skills and being a part of something rewarding.

Find out more

Get involved!

There are many ways to support GAWS and our work of providing rehoming services for thousands of lost, stray and abandoned animals. Become a regular donor today, workplace giving, corporate supporter or volunteer.

DonateHow to Help
